Welcome to our surgical clinic where our vision and goal is to be the best aesthetic cosmetic surgery center in North America. We offer excellence in preoperative, intraoperative and post operative care. Our experienced team of healthcare professionals are dedicated to your wellbeing. We maintain high standards in all our procedures, while continuing to uphold safety, and high rates of patient satisfaction .

Vision and Mission


To be the best aesthetic surgery clinic in North America as evidenced by developing and maintaining high standards of procedures, ongoing education with the highest rate of patient, staff, and physician satisfaction and safety along with excellence in service. 


The mission of the Westmount Aesthetic and Cosmetic Surgery Center is to offer plastic and aesthetic surgery in a safe and private facility.  Our goal of patient, staff and physician satisfaction and security, will be achieved using a holistic approach and constantly reviewing and revising our infection control measures.  To ensure that our high standards are always upheld, continuous education and excellence in care are of paramount importance.  By sharing our expertise through didactic lectures and educational videos, we will prepare future plastic surgeons to uphold our vision of excellence and family. 


·  Confidentiality


·   Integrity

·  Dedication to achieving excellence relating to care and safety

·  Collaboration

·   Research

·  Respect for every person that walks into the clinic and leaving them with a sense of truly being cared for

·  Patient and family feedback

· Honesty, openness, and transparency

Westmount Aesthetic Cosmetic Surgery Center adheres to the strictest standards for safety, asepsis, staff qualifications and is Accredited with Commendation by Accreditation Canada

Surgical center

  • Operating Rooms

    At Westmount Aesthetic Surgery, procedures are performed in two operating rooms and meet all requirements for patient care and safety

  • Our Staff

    Our surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists, coordinator and sterilization staff are committed to providing all our patients with excellent care.

  • Recovery Room

    Monitoring by our experienced post anesthesia care unit nurses, ensures a smooth transition from admission and recovery, to discharge from clinic.

Contact Our Specialists



DR NOEMIE VEZINA https://folliclmd.com/meet-the-doctors/



    Read and follow your surgeon’s instructions, including but not limited to, abstaining from eating and drinking for at least 12 hours prior to your procedure


    Arrive on time. Ensure you have a friend or family member who will pick you up after surgery.

    Relax and let our Nurses, Anesthesthesiologist, and Surgeon guide you through the process

  • What to bring

    Loose comfortable clothing. No high heels. Please leave your jewelery at home. You may bring your cell. phone and charger

Our Location